Small print

This page contains links to the legal terms that govern your use of this site.

London & West Middlesex National Trust (LWM) volunteers is a not for profit organisation, run by volunteers for volunteers, built on fairness, inclusivity and trust, for the benefit of its members, the National Trust (NT), and the wider public who  interact with LWM & the NT.  Much of the technology and content you’ll find here has been built by members who believe in the value this community can offer, for all these groups, and the houses and open spaces cared for by the NT.

Over the years since 1977 the community has grown and established, and with it the legal need to define the relationship of with its users.

The small print:
How we interact, and what is acceptable and useful will always evolve as it’s discussed in this growing community, but the foundation of site’s relationship with users is defined in the Terms of Service, and information about how users’ information is used is described in the Privacy Policy.  The rules governing LWM’s organisation is described in its Constitution.


These documents can change from time to time, so it’s a good idea to take a look occasionally, because anyone accessing is deemed to have read and understood them.

We know small print can be boring, but it’s there to protect our best parts, and make sure that we can keep the site fair, inclusive and honest.  Thank you for taking the time to read it.