Send the completed Accounts Sheets, with receipts, to the Treasurer by email, as soon as possible after the weekend. Please make a note if there were any problems with the Accounts or any outstanding amounts. Return any unspent funds (bank transfer, or cheque) – or make a note if you are owed money. Remember to include late bookings and cancellations, and anyone turning up for part of the weekend.
If you can’t scan the receipts please keep and pass on to one of the committee who will get them to the Treasurer. A good quality phone camera able to take a legible photograph of receipts, which will also be sufficient.
Send the completed Hours Sheet to the Membership Officer by email. Remember to include late bookings and part attendees, and allow for cancellations. Hours worked exclude the lunch break.
If you have any other comments e.g. on the work or on new volunteers, let one of the committee know.
If Rangers details have changed please correct the information at the bottom of the hours form, which will help with future events and bookings.